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About Me

If it’s not obvious already my name is Kim Cartwright and I do art. I am a full time zookeeper working with a wide variety of exotic animals in the United Kingdom.

Growing up I never had many animals in my life, but I’ve always loved them. I’ve been drawing and making a mess since the moment I could pick up a pencil. These two things go hand in hand as animals are my muse.

I am passionate about conservation and providing high welfare for the animals I look after as well as raising awareness for their plight.

The beauty and elegance of animals has always captivated me and I hope I can translate this beauty in my artwork.

I mainly work with acrylic paints, experimenting on a variety of surfaces. Occasionally I will pick up a different medium and play about with it. Watercolour paints scare me and those incredibly talented watercolour artists out there are witches! But that won't stop me from trying it. And failing. 

In support of conservation I donate 10% of the profits of all my original artwork to my conservation charity of the year. Which you can read about here.


Photograph by Sarah Blake


Photograph by Sarah Blake

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